Describe the most interesting part of your project.
Explain the biggest roadblock your team handled.
Discuss the most valuable part of filmmaking process.
Upload 1-2 original images to add visual interest.
The most interesting part about our project is getting to go and film all this amazing shots outside of school. It is so cool because its not adults making this really interesting films its students at our school. The have to go and use there own time to film this amazing shots they cant just go and do it in school because it not what the project is about. Also it is cool to see what other students are doing because it gives us some thing to do and not to do. So that helps a lot of students with how to make there's better.
The biggest road block that the team handled was getting the transcriptions done because we didn't know how to.SO it took us a long time to figure them out. After that we did that we didn't have any more problems. They way we over came our biggest road block is by seeing how other people had done them to. And that had helped us big time. That was the biggest road block with my team